As distributed micropower generation technologies gain more attention, the recovery of
energy from waste pressure steam has become increasingly significant. Every unit of
additional power generation using Energy Recovery Turbine provides better cost economics
than other alternate technologies like solar power generation.
The conventional approach of using a single stage turbine bladed disc directly mounted on
the generator shaft (cantilever design) is common, however this has several disadvantages –
poor efficiency, higher chances of generator bearing failure, excessive steam leakages thru
gland seals & its failure, higher steam velocity causing flow path erosion. As the efficiency
of this turbine is limited by the low speed of rotation, a more efficient approach uses a
gearbox between the turbine & generator. However, this introduces complexities such as, a
more intricate rotating train, need for a complex lubricating oil system. Further in view of
high speed, flow path encounters much higher steam velocities that often can cause flow
path deterioration specially given the nature of varying steam consumption in case of
process industries. Besides in case of cantilever design, such an arrangement also has its
A better approach and solution to all these problems is to use multi-stage turbines with a
double pedestal construction and directly driving the Generator thru a coupling.

1. Double pedestal (Bearing on each end of turbine rotor) design ensures that rotor
shaft is axially centric with gland seals & and lesser leakages. In addition this
arrangement provides a rugged design with long life for Bearings & gland seals.

2. A multistage design provide higher efficiency and hence power for same flow.

3. Multi-stage design provides lower steam velocity for each stage and hence better life
of blades & nozzles.

Maxwatt has an extensive range of Waste pressure recovery steam turbine,s in rating upto
5000 KWe, for saturated steam conditions & with steam pressure upto 45 Kg/cm2g.

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